Back to School

NLR Fall 2021 Back-to-School Info

CAC is a special place because of the community we share, and while some things may be a little different this year, our commitment to creating a loving space for students hasn’t changed. In fact, we are working in new and creative ways to ensure that our time together each day is even more focused and meaningful.

We are excited to welcome students back to campus on Wednesday, Aug. 18! Below you will find the reopening guide for the NLR campus. This guide is not intended to be exhaustive, but to provide families with basic information and answers to most questions related to the start of school.

Additional detailed information will be provided prior to the start of school when appropriate.

Click on the icons below to view each section.

Health & Safety

Health and safety protocols have been put in place for the wellbeing of CAC students, faculty, staff, administration and families. One of the most important factors in limiting a COVID-19 outbreak within a community is the early detection of the virus. Thus, the daily monitoring of all COVID-19 symptoms among students and staff is considered best practice by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Arkansas Department of Health (ADH). By following the protocols outlined below, the CAC community can reduce unnecessary exposure to the virus and promote care for one another.

Health and Wellness Screening Pledge

Prior to the first day of school, all CAC parents and guardians will be required to sign and submit a Health and Wellness Screening Pledge. By signing this pledge, parents and guardians will agree to perform a brief screening of their student(s) daily before sending them to campus. The screening may include taking the student’s temperature, checking for common COVID-19 symptoms and monitoring their student’s contact with COVID-19 positive cases. We believe the cooperation and diligent commitment of our families can help significantly reduce unnecessary risks on our campus.

Hand Washing/Sanitization

All members of the CAC community are encouraged to frequently wash their hands with soap and water. Hand sanitizer will be available in each classroom and teachers will instruct students in proper hand washing techniques. 

Face coverings

When physical distancing is not possible, we attempt to adhere to best practices to mitigate the risk of infection of our students and staff and reduce the potential for disruptions to the educational process by close contact quarantine requirements.

Early Childhood (PreK-3, PreK-4)

Grades K-5

Students must wear face coverings at all times indoors except for the following:

Cleaning and Disinfecting

In addition to regularly scheduled daily janitorial service, frequently touched surfaces and objects will be cleaned throughout the school day (e.g. tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets and sinks).

EPA-approved products for use against COVID-19 will be utilized in consultation with specialists.



View the 2021-22 Elementary Handbook here.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will serve as a learning hub for students. All students will be added to a Google Classroom for each of their class periods. All lesson plans, assignments, due dates and assessments will be included in a student’s specific Google classroom section. Similar to RenWeb, parents will have the opportunity to view all posts made on Google Classroom by the teacher on a daily or weekly basis. Parents will also be able to view missing assignments. Parents will receive an invite from ‘Guardian/Classroom Summaries’ prior to classes starting if they would like to receive notifications regarding their student’s classes.

Classroom Materials


All classrooms are organized to abide by current ADH social distancing guidelines with student desks placed six feet apart. 


Elementary students will be grouped in the following cohorts for activities outside of the classroom (i.r., recess, after school care, etc.). 

Student contact will be limited to their cohort, teacher, and assistant throughout the school day. 

Enrichment Classes

We will resume a normal school schedule including Library, Music, Art, and P.E. as well as rotating grades in the cafeteria for lunch. Students will be spaced six feet apart in the cafeteria. We will utilize outdoor eating areas when possible.

Temporary Remote Learning

CAC will work with students who must quarantine to provide temporary remote learning. If a student is required to quarantine, they will easily transition from the physical classroom to our online environment.

Spiritual Life


We will have Chapel in our classrooms for the first few weeks of school. Our goal is to return to a school-wide Chapel as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming parents back to Chapel as soon as we are able to do so.

Food Service

Lunch Visitation


All school buses used for transporting students will be sanitized prior to transporting children and at the end of the school day. Social distancing will be practiced at all times. ADH and CDC recommendations and guidelines will be followed.

All drivers, staff and students are required to wear masks while on the bus. 

Transportation Sign-up

Parents who plan to utilize the CAC shuttle service must have signed-up their student previously by clicking here. No student will be allowed on a CAC shuttle bus without previously signing-up. Bus capacity will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

Campus Activity


School community restrooms will be sanitized throughout the day and immediately following group use.


Gymnastics will not be offered during the fall semester. We will reevaluate in the Spring. 


Students will have recess each day with their cohort. Exercise and time outside are important for students’ physical wellbeing and we are committed to continuing to provide this much-needed outlet during the school day. Our goal is to provide a morning and afternoon recess for students to enjoy. 


Entrance to the facility will be limited to students, staff, and officials with legal authority to enter the facility. 

Checking Students Out During School Hours 

To check out a student during school hours, call the School Office (phone number will be listed on the entrance door for convenience) and a staff member will bring the student to you. Students will only be released to those with permission to pick up in RenWeb. Please have a photo I.D. ready if you are checking a student out of school. 

The support of our parents is one of the keys to CAC’s success. We will need your support in new and unique ways this year. We appreciate your understanding as we limit the number of people in our building each day.

Morning Drop Off — 7:45-8 a.m.  

Dismissal — Staggered Time Slots by Grade Level 

Dismissal will take place at the North Entrance (CAC School Entrance) for all students (Preschool-5th Grade) 

To prevent congestion students will be dismissed directly from their classrooms to the pick up line and will be assisted by staff to their vehicles. 

Afternoon dismissal will be staggered. 

Meet the Teacher/Parent Orientation

Teachers will host ten-minute, individual Meet the Teacher sessions with each student and their family. 

During these ten minute sessions, students and parents will have the opportunity to: 

The introductory teacher email – coming August 10  – will include information on how to sign up for a time slot. 

Meet the Teacher/Supply Drop Off is scheduled for the following dates and times: