Back to School on Mustang Mountain

CAC Fall 2022 Back to School Information

CAC is a special place because of the community we share, and through our continued commitment to creating a loving space for students. In fact, we are working in new and creative ways to ensure that our time together each day is even more focused and meaningful.

We are excited to welcome students back to campus on Aug. 16! Below you will find the Back-to-School guide for the Secondary campus. This guide is not intended to be exhaustive, but to provide families with basic information and answers to most questions related to the start of school.

Additional detailed information will be provided prior to the start of school when appropriate.

Click on the icons below to view each section.


Handbook Changes

There are a few changes to the handbook compared to last school year. These changes are highlighted below.

Top two handbook changes to note:

  1. Smartwatches (page 27)

This policy is intended to ensure that personal electronic devices on school property do not interfere with the learning, safety, and well-being of students and staff. For the purposes of this policy, a personal electronic device is any device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays any message or video image, or is otherwise capable of sending, receiving, emitting, photographing, recording, storing or displaying any type of audio or visual communication, files, or data. This includes, but is not limited to, cellular phones, smartphones, smartwatches, headphones, camera devices, video and audio recording devices, digital recording devices, personal digital assistants, MP3 players, iPods, iPads, tablets, computers, radios, pagers, any device that allows the possessor to access the Internet, or any similar device.
For no reason should students need to use a cell phone or smartwatch during the regular school day. Any situation requiring emergency communication with a student, the school will assist the student, parent, or other responsible adult by using a school telephone. Any use of devices for activities that are contrary to the Core Values Statement or other ideals stated in this handbook may result in permanent loss of privilege and could jeopardize a student’s enrollment at CAC.

  1. Lunch and Mustang Market (page 8)

The Mustang Market was introduced last year to our students and appeared to be a great success. As a result, CAC will continue to offer a broad selection of snack items in the cafeteria at the start of the school day and during middle and high school lunch. The Market should not serve as a primary source of lunch, but can supplement a main meal. Students will have the opportunity to purchase snacks for additional lunch items or in preparation for after-school activities. Again, students will simply swipe their identification card and then choose their snack items. All market purchases will be charged directly to the FACTS account associated with the individual student.

Student Schedules

Student schedules are currently open and may be accessed via RenWeb. Please note schedules are subject to change. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Custer ( or Mrs. Vick (

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will serve as a learning hub for students. All students will be added to a Google Classroom for each of their class periods. All lesson plans, assignments, due dates and assessments will be included in a student’s specific Google classroom section. Similar to RenWeb, parents will have the opportunity to view all posts made on Google Classroom by the teacher on a daily or weekly basis. Parents will also be able to view missing assignments. Parents will receive an invite from ‘Guardian/Classroom Summaries’ prior to classes starting if they would like to receive notifications regarding their student classes. If you need help signing up for ‘Guardian/CLassroom Summaries’ please contact Karen Sullivan ( or Janice Northen (

Recording and Uploading Lessons

Due to CAC’s heavy investment in technology software, students will be able to rewatch classes, and lessons will be recorded and uploaded as soon as possible to Google Classroom for students to reference. Lesson recordings will be used primarily for three key reasons:

RenWeb/FACTS Information

CAC will still utilize RenWeb for attendance and all student grades. Google Classroom may allow students to view some of their grades from completed assignments. However, RenWeb will remain the online database for all final student grades. 

*Google Classroom grades do not reflect a student’s accurate grade.

To learn more about the FACTS app and website including how to view lesson plans, student grades,  load lunch money, pay bills and many other convenient tools, watch the tutorial video below.

Tutorial video

To learn more about the FACTS app and website including how to view lesson plans, student grades,  load lunch money, pay bills and many other convenient tools, watch the tutorial video

Device and Schedule

Students will be issued student schedule, and other pertinent materials and can pick up the device at Supply Drop Off/Pick Up Aug. 11 (new students) or Aug. 12 (returning students). Students will be issued a Chromebook on the first day of school.

Device Agreement

CAC attempts to consolidate all signed forms in one package at the beginning of the school year. One of the forms will include a school-issued device form for families to sign. The form will outline expectations for students when utilizing school-issued devices. The agreement is available via the 2022-23 form link below.

Temporary Remote Learning

CAC will work with students who must quarantine to provide temporary remote learning. If a student is required to quarantine, they will easily transition from the physical classroom to our online environment.


How to Complete Forms

Forms are available at the link below and are also accessible from the School App.

Spiritual Life


With our mission still being at the forefront of our purpose at CAC, we place tremendous value on chapel. We will ensure our group meetings will abide by ADH guidelines for group gatherings. Consequently, we will conduct chapel in the auditorium where students will be socially distanced and masked.

Food Service

Lunch time

Grades 6-9 — lunch from 11:45 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Grades 10-12 — lunch from 12:35-1 p.m.

General Information

All food excluding pizza served on a Friday and items purchased in the Mustang Market will be required to be pre-ordered. Pizza and Mustang Market items may be ordered by students swiping their student identification card. All charges from the cafeteria will be assigned to the student(s) FACTS account.

Monday and Wednesday | Little Bites

All Little Bites ordering will be completed online by pre-ordering food. Parents may access the Little Bites website ( to set up an account and pre-order. On days Little Bites caters (Monday and Wednesday), all food has to be pre-ordered online, there will be no option to pick up any a la carte items in the cafeteria. The deadline to order for Little Bites is 8 a.m. the day of the lunch. 

*Important. Please login to your Little Bites account and update your student’s grade and campus.

Tuesday | David’s Burgers or Whole Hog BBQ

On alternate Tuesday’s students will have the choice to pre-order David’s Burgers or Whole Hog. Prices are outlined on the FACTS application when food is ordered.

David’s Burgers

Students will have the choice of pre-ordering one or multiple hamburgers from David’s Burgers. All orders will be placed through the CAC FACTS application or Family Portal Website.

Whole Hog BBQ

Students will have the choice of pre-ordering one or multiple sandwiches from Whole Hog. 

All orders will be placed through the CAC FACTS application or Family Portal Website.

All lunch purchases will be charged directly to the FACTS account associated with the individual student.


On days Chick-fil-A is served students will have the choice of pre-ordering sandwiches or salads from the cafeteria. All lunch purchases will be charged directly to the FACTS account associated with the individual student.


On Fridays, students have the option to eat from Marco’s Pizza. A selection of pizza toppings will be served with students being charged by the slice. Students will simply swipe their identification card and then choose their pizza option and the amount of slices. All pizza purchases will be charged directly to the FACTS account associated with the individual student.

How do I pre-order lunch?

Simple, Click play to access our video tutorial that walks you through a step by step guide of pre-ordering student lunches.

Please note we will not offer any catering options/ lunches during the first week of school excluding pizza on Friday, August 19. We will begin our full catering options the following week beginning Monday, August 22.

Mustang Market

CAC will offer a broad selection of snack items in the cafeteria at the start of the school day and during middle and high school lunch. The Market should not serve as a primary source of lunch, but can supplement a main meal. Students will have the opportunity to purchase snacks for additional lunch items or in preparation for after-school activities. Again, students will simply swipe their identification card and then choose their snack items. All market purchases will be charged directly to the FACTS account associated with the individual student.

Mustang Market opening hours: 

All market purchases will be charged directly to the FACTS account associated with the individual student. A full menu and pricing list for the Market will be posted on the website soon.

Drink Vending Machines

CAC offers drink vending machines in the cafeteria with a variety of drink products available. Drinks from the vending machines have to be purchased with cash or debit card. The vending machines are the only area of the cafeteria where cash or debit card is required for purchase.

Extended Care

2022-2023 Extended Care Enrollment Forms are now available. Space may be limited due to physical distancing restrictions. Space will be reserved in the order enrollment forms are received.

Service will be provided at all campuses. Physical distancing requirements may mean space is limited and activities may be restricted.


Transportation Sign-up

Parents who plan to utilize the CAC shuttle service must have signed-up their student previously. No student will be allowed on a CAC shuttle bus without previously signing-up. Bus capacity will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis, and drop-ins will not be taken.

Campus Activity

First Day of School

Please see the first day of the school schedule. All students will be required to attend the assembly at 8 a.m. regardless of student schedule.

Assembly Bell
Chapel8-9 a.m.
1st period9:05-9:45 a.m.
2nd period9:50-10:30 a.m.
3rd period10:35-11:15 a.m.
4th period11:20 a.m.-Noon
Grades 6-9 lunch12:05 p.m.-12:30 p.m.
Grades 10-12 5th period12:05 p.m.-12:45 p.m.
Grades 6-9 5th period12:35-1:15 p.m.
Grades 10-12 lunch12:50-1:15 p.m.
6th period1:20-2 p.m.
7th period2:05-2:45 p.m.
8th period2:50-3:30 p.m.

Drop-off and Pick-up

All students will enter and exit the building through the Atrium. A map of the school entrance and the traffic flow pattern for drop-off and pick-up procedures is below.


The Atrium will open at 7 a.m., and the main doors will open at 7:30 a.m. There will be designated areas in the Atrium for students who arrive between 7 and 7:30. If a student does not have a first period class, our goal is for them to enter the school building between the times of 8:40 and 8:50 a.m. (class starts at 8:50 a.m.).


All grades will exit through the Atrium. If a student’s ride does not arrive by 4 p.m., extended care policies and procedures will apply.


The doors will lock at 8 a.m. each morning. If a student arrives after this point they will be required to check in at the main office through the buzzer system. Check-in procedures will be outlined in the handbook.


Parents needing to check their students out will not be allowed to enter the main building at this time. Check-out procedures will be outlined in the handbook.

Student Parking and Parking Passes

Student drivers may park in any spot designated with a number or in the lower parking lot for the first week of school. Students should not park in handicap or staff parking spots. Parking passes will be sold the second week of school for $5 during lunch.


Upcoming Events

New Student Orientation (6th grade and new students) – August 11 – 5:30-8 p.m. 
Supply Pick-up/Drop-off (7th-12th grade returning students) – August 12 – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Parenting Seminar – August 14 & 15

Click here for more details and register for this free event.

Mystery on the Mountain – August 19, 6:45-9 p.m., CAC Atrium

CAC Secondary Campus will be hosting all 6th-12th grade students for a back to school blowout we’re calling “Mystery on the Mountain.” Sure we’d love to tell you more, but where’s the mystery in that?
Admission is $10, so you know there will be snacks and some pretty sweet prizes.  Again, we’d share more, but then it’d just be called “…on the Mountain”