Global Studies

Travel with CAC

There is incredible value in learning new things, experiencing new places and talking to new people. Each year, CAC secondary students are given the opportunity to do all three of those things through school-sponsored spring break trips. Each train ride, guided tour, authentic dinner, piece of art, historic monument and new experience offer unique moments of growth, educational opportunities and memories that will last a lifetime.

Both international and domestic travel opportunities have been affected by COVID-19. While the future of these trips are unknown at this time, we still value learning opportunities that take our students beyond Mustang Mountain and are seeking creative solutions to incorporate these experiences in an academically enriching and memorable way.

European Survey

“For me, learning different languages and how people live – I realized it’s not all about America and it’s not all about the way we live. There are so many different cultures all over the world.”

Brittany Martin, Class of 2017

Who: 12th grade
10-day trip across multiple European countries
Spring Break every year

Our Spring Break Europe Tour is a 10-day excursion for CAC seniors now offered annually. Students eligible to register for the Spring 2023 trip (March 16-25) are current 11th grade students. CAC has taken numerous groups on this tour, and we are excited for Danny Sullivan to guide another group through Paris, Rome and more. Enrollment for this trip is now open, and you can read more about the itinerary, pricing, and registration information here.

Click through the slideshow to see more photos:


“They took us to this tiny, local restaurant that I loved. We ate tapas which is a specialty of the city we were in. I liked learning about them, and I was so glad that EF took us there because I got to see what the locals ate. When I went out on my own, I would search for American food because it was familiar, and I wouldn’t have gone in that place if EF hadn’t taken us there.”

Maddie Beaulieu, Class of 2019

Who: 10th & 11th grade
10-day trip across Spain
Spring Break every other year

Our Spring Break Spain Tour is a 10-day excursion for CAC sophomores and juniors now offered every other year. Students eligible to register for the Spring 2023 trip (March 17-26) are current 9th- and 10th-grade students. Spanish teacher Melanie Morton spent three years living and traveling in Spain and will lead students through ​​Madrid, Barcelona, and the Basque region of Spain.

Click through the slideshow to see more photos:

Washington D.C. & New York

“I learned how much history has actually happened. It’s different from reading four pages in a book about George Washington’s life. I got to actually see all the impact he had on the United States as a country.”

Alex Knod, Class of 2021

Who: 8th & 9th grade
5-day trip exploring our nation’s capital
Spring Break every other yearOur Spring Break Washington, D.C. and New York Tour is a 5-day excursion for 8th- and 9th- grade students now offered every other year. Students eligible to register for the Spring 2023 trip (March) are current 7th- and 8th-grade students. History teacher Joe Gafford will lead students through ​​sites around D.C. and New York City as they experience history up close. Mr. Gafford will have an information meeting Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. in the Secondary campus Choir Room.

Click through the slideshow to see more photos: